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Christel van der Meer • Do-In

Gids jezelf op je levenspad

Stap uit het denken

Hoe te stoppen met de maalstroom in je hoofd? Breng jezelf in de juiste staat van zijn. Leer landen in het hier en nu door je lichaamsbewustzijn te vergroten.

Meer vertrouwen

Leer op jezelf vertrouwen. De enige die jou werkelijk kan helpen, ben jij zelf. Het enige dat je nodig hebt, zijn de juiste tools. Zodra jij je lichaamsbewustzijn vergroot, zul je als vanzelf meer vertrouwen ervaren.

Minder angst

Soms is het leven zo overweldigend. Leer jezelf ankeren. Leer jezelf voeden met wat je ten diepste nodig hebt. Leer insluiten wat je uitgesloten hebt, zodat jij gaat stromen!

Christel van der Meer • Do-In

Vallei Training

More energy, wisdom and zest for life


Vallei orgasme (VO) is an online training in the field of sexuality (life energy). It is about 'becoming more gentle yourself, doing your best less and increasing your awareness of feeling. When we women inhabit our bodies better, we coincide with our intuition and creative power.


In the West we only know 'reproductive sexuality'. This course is about 'transformation of sexuality'. Learning to use sexual energy for your own health and vitality. It is an inspiring course that will change your (Western) view of sexuality forever. It not only makes you wiser, but also more vital and happy. It is a "proper" training: that is, always in the privacy of your own bedroom - only !!. It is a training that is about appropriating your own sexual flow and you learn the techniques alone (without anyone).


Online training

The VO online training was developed by Tao trainer Reinoud Eleveld, among others . You train yourself in the privacy and security of your own bedroom. Every two weeks you will receive a podcast with a very interesting theoretical framework and a homework assignment (very relaxing). These podcasts are now yours forever. So you can take as much time on your homework assignment as you need. And the course remains yours, for a lifetime!



50 euro discount

discount code: Christelvandermeer-50

instead of 247- 197 euros. .


Click on the link below to purchase the course. Mail me if you have any questions



Vallei Training

More energy, wisdom and zest for life


Vallei orgasme (VO) is an online training in the field of sexuality (life energy). It is about 'becoming more gentle yourself, doing your best less and increasing your awareness of feeling. When we women inhabit our bodies better, we coincide with our intuition and creative power.


In the West we only know 'reproductive sexuality'. This course is about 'transformation of sexuality'. Learning to use sexual energy for your own health and vitality. It is an inspiring course that will change your (Western) view of sexuality forever. It not only makes you wiser, but also more vital and happy. It is a "proper" training: that is, always in the privacy of your own bedroom - only !!. It is a training that is about appropriating your own sexual flow and you learn the techniques alone (without anyone).


Online training

The VO online training was developed by Tao trainer Reinoud Eleveld, among others . You train yourself in the privacy and security of your own bedroom. Every two weeks you will receive a podcast with a very interesting theoretical framework and a homework assignment (very relaxing). These podcasts are now yours forever. So you can take as much time on your homework assignment as you need. And the course remains yours, for a lifetime!



50 euro discount

discount code: Christelvandermeer-50

instead of 247- 197 euros. .


Click on the link below to purchase the course. Mail me if you have any questions



“Noch hopen, Noch vrezen. Leer ademen in het niet weten”

Verruim je geest en kom thuis in je lichaam

Leer je zelf dragen in alle omstandigheden. Voel je één met jezelf en geef jezelf de aandacht die je nodig hebt.
Wat is zinvol leven? En hoe word je wijs? Ontdek de natuurlijkheid van het levenswiel (de 5 elementen) in en om je heen.

Christel van der Meer • Do-In

Welkomst Cadeau


Ontvang een gratis proefles & meditatie.

Voor jou van mij.

Christel van der Meer • Do-In



Do-In training bestaat uit 4 modules en 20+ video’s; lange en korte Do-In lessen met diverse thema’s, meditaties, en Zelf Shiatsu technieken.

Ervaringen van mijn cliënten:


"What a beautiful day you have set out.
Thank you very much. Are you very grateful for the beautiful ceremony. I will never forget it. You are a beautiful and very powerful primeval woman. Deep respect for you. I am very grateful to you for being a part of your circle today. Beautifully and lovingly placed and guided. Chapeau ”

— Sanna

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